
Saturday 10 November 2012

Cute pics :-)

Imagine how cosy & cuddly he must feel in there ... awww!

I've become slightly obsessed with this picture and say the "HAAYY" to myself far too often! You have to say it as if you're a 19 year old African-American girl who's very pleased to see her friend, and in quite a high pitch! Go on, try it!

3 cuddling pussy cats, can any pic be cuter!?

some old dude from the country taking his donkey some road ... the mind boggles!

First blog post

Saturday 10th November 2012   2:45pm

Hello and welcome to my first blog post :-) I've been thinking about doing one for a while and have finally got started!

I was looking for an outlet to vent all my random musings, feelings and thoughts and decided this was as good a way as any. I would have enjoyed a chat with my Mum a few times a week when she was alive and I really miss that. No-one can replace my Mum for a good chat but I think writing a blog will help to fill the void.

Today I'm making a pavlova for the winner of my "100 likes" competition on my Facebook baking page Carrie-Anne's Home Bakes & Crafts. It's just cooling down now after baking, My favourite part is decorating it and I'll be topping it with whipped cream and crushed maltesers today. Hope she likes it!

I made a spag bol for tea last night and have lots left over and that will be my lunch today. David and the kids are in Omagh running errands, not sure when they'll be back.

I'm really pleased that my coming week is going to be a busy one with the baking, nearly every day is accounted for so far and that will help to bring in a few extra pounds to the Hunter kitty!